photo credit: CL Buchanan Photography
Name please.
Karma Brown
Your Website?
What’s your specialty? (work-wise – you’re probably pretty special at a lot of things)
My speciality is turning words into stories. And though it’s nice of you to say, I’m not that special at a lot of things. Except making muffins. I make a mean banana muffin.
Best thing about your work:
There are so many great things about being a writer (working from home, seeing your words in print, the excuse to drink copious amounts of coffee…) but probably the best is the variety of the work – there’s so much to explore, and no day is ever the same.
Parent or not a parent?
Parent to a wise and wonderful 7-year-old daughter, who is the center of my universe.
Share a typical Tuesday (really we want to hear how you “do it all”)
This is a typical Tuesday when I’m drafting a novel. It should also be said this is an IDEAL Tuesday. When the day goes like this I’m tickled, but it usually has a few hiccups.
5 am – Alarm goes off, and I try to remember why.
5:15 am – Coffee in hand, laptop fired up, word count goal acknowledged, everyone else asleep (ideally, though I’m often joined by my early-to-rise child).
7:30 am – Close laptop, make the child’s lunch and get her ready for school, walk the dog.
9 am – 12 pm – WORK. Whatever is most pressing, whether it’s a magazine article with a tight deadline, or a book to-do, or a blog post.
12 pm – 1 pm – Exercise (also known as ‘Sweat out the stress so I’m ready to work again’)
1 pm – 3 pm – WORK. Make up my word count goal (generally 2500 words when I’m drafting a novel) if I didn’t hit it in the morning.
3 pm – 4 pm – Grocery shop, make dinner, get ready to wear my Momma hat again.
4 pm – 8 pm – Family time. Kid to bed.
8 pm – 10 pm – Force the husband to watch something on Netflix with me (I love television, and don’t watch much of it anymore, and because he loves me he watches with me). Scroll Twitter and Facebook while I watch.
10 pm – BED. Set my alarm for the next day.
Do you tweet?
Probably too much. If you want to see what I mean, come find me at @WriterKarma!
Name 3 people you would like to meet-in-person from Twitter (add why so we can follow them too)…
Only three? There are so many! But here are three I’d love to meet:
Elizabeth Gilbert — @GilbertLiz – because she’s bold with her words, and what she says about women finding balance and happiness in life is compelling.
J.K. Rowling — @jk_rowling – for all the obvious reasons (her brain came up with Harry Potter!), but also because she’s fearless on Twitter.
Margaret Atwood — @MargaretAtwood – because she’s the Queen of #CanLit, and The Handmaid’s Tale still lives with me decades after reading, and I’d like to touch her and then tell everyone, “I touched Margaret Atwood!”
Come Away With Me is Karma Brown’s first novel. An unexpected journey leads one woman to discover that life after loss is possible, if only you can find the courage to let go…
Thanks I enjoyed the read and learning so many interesting things about you
lots of good facts
You certainly keep a good routine!