My kids love taking pictures. Maybe because they see me do it. Maybe because they are inspired by what they see in social media (snap chat is their thing). If your kids love taking pictures – like mine – they you might be interested in Posterjack’s Summer Kidtographer Search – because it’s a cool way to keep kids busy over the summer while inspiring their inner-jr-photographer…
Aside: I’ve ordered prints from Posterjack in years past. I can attest to their professionalism and quality.
Posterjack’s Summer Kidtographer search is back for a third year in a row. This year Posterjack is looking for four junior shutterbugs between the ages of 8 to 12 years old to show Posterjack fans summer through the lens of a kid.
The twist – one of the Summer Photographers will be chosen by the Posterjack fans.
In a wildcard vote held on social media, Posterjack fans will vote for the budding photographer whose photos they want to see more of. The winner of the wildcard vote will join the other three Summer Kidtographers picked by the Posterjack panel.
To get each Kidtographer started on their photo journey, Posterjack will hook each kid up with their own Canon PowerShot SX520 HS camera and memory card to help them take daily photos from July 1-August 24.
Not only will Posterjack be giving a camera to the Summer Kidtographers a camera, Posterjack fans will have the opportunity to win one for themselves. Every name that casts a wildcard vote gets entered into a draw.
In addition, to a camera, at the end of summer each Kidtographer will be awarded a $150 gift certificate to Posterjack.
To Enter:
Kids can enter the search to become one of the four official Posterjack Summer Kidtographers, by submitting the following information via email to by June 14, 2015:
- name
- proof of age
- city
- a recent photo taken by their child
- a brief explanation (250 words or less) on why they should be Posterjack’s Summer Kidtographer (can be written with the help of an adult)
How cool would it be to be picked in Posterjack’s Summer Kidtographer Search? The camera? The gift card? The summer boredom busting? It sounds good to me.
My little one loves to take photos. He just has a starter camera and we totally want to upgrade him when his birthday comes around.
That’s so much fun! This is a great way to encourage creativity and exploration. And maybe even have a little celebrity in the house!
I love taking pictures too, Especially now, that my grandparents have passed. I think it’s a great way to capture the moment.
That sounds fun. My twin granddaughters are barely four, but they love taking photos. I’m planning to give each of them a starter camera for their birthday.
This sounds like a blast. I have two girls, and they are all about taking photos and getting their pictures taken as well!
Love getting kids involved with doing things young that they can enjoy though their lives. They may find their passion in life very early or at least have some fun memories and a nice hobby
What perfect timing! My 10 yr old has been picture crazy lately and has hijacked by camera! This is right up his alley!
This is such a cool thing to do for kids, they would surely have fun with something like this! Taking pictures is tons of fun.
This sounds like so much fun. It would be so cool to see what the kids could come up with!
Unfortunately, I don’t know anyone in that age category. My daughter doesn’t fit. But that is a great opportunity for anyone who does get to try! Good luck to all the entrants!
What a fun idea to get kids involved with photography. I love to take my boys’ photos, but they tend to run from the camera. Sigh.
This is an amazing contest for kids that love taking photos. My son always took pictures of everything when he was younger. I will have to share this with my sister who has a son that is 12 years old. Thanks for sharing.
This is so awesome for kiddos! I have a couple of kiddos that are always running off with my camera or phone to take pictures. Thanks for this.
This would be so perfect for my daughter. She loves taking pictures, too. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
This sounds like so much fun. My daughter does a great job at taking photos. I let her help me take photos for my projects too.
That’s a fun prize pack too. I don’t know what Snap Chat is but now you’ve got me curious about that too. 🙂
Thisis great! My daughter love taking pictures but she still have a lot to learn with techniques.
This looks like so much fun!! I think it’s great for kids to take an interest in photography!!
How fun! My oldest who is almost 12 often takes my camera out and snaps photos. He’s a great photographer, I just hope he gets more into it as he get older.
I love your idea! I have small kids and they love looking at their pictures when they were much younger.
What a great idea for your kids! I have students around these ages and some of them actually love photography! They would love to participate in something like this!
This sounds so awesome!!! I swear kids get interested younger and younger due to technology! My daughter is only 3 and she’s picture obsessed
Kiddo has my old point and shoot camera. She goes in spurts with her camera interest. For a while there when I was photographing food she would stand right beside me and take photos too. It was cute.
This is an amazing contest. I know a few budding photographers that would love to enter. I will have to share this contest with them.
This is such a great contest! I’ll have to share it with my younger cousins who alway swant to play with my too expensive camera.
This would be a great summer project for my nieces. They would have fun taking pictures of random things.
That would be a lot of fun. That contest is kind of an awesome opportunity. Love to get creative.
This would be fun! My kids LOVE to take pictures and request that I take them often! lol
Sounds very interesting. My husband and my kids loves photography. It seems like a great way to encourage their creativity. Will definitely share about this contest with them as they love participating in such contests.
This is such a cool idea! When I was a kid I would have loved to get involved in a contest like this! I’m sure there are lots of kids who would love to be a part of this. 🙂
Our two tweens have our hold hand me down cameras that they are learning to use. They think it’s a blast.