Getting ready…for all three of my babies…was a super exciting time. Every pregnancy is different. Baby gear evolves. The support you need for newborn is unique to each baby. Even now, I’m always eager to #LetsTalkBaby to make life easier for parents of newborns…
Do you talk baby? There can be so many questions. From delivery to hospital stay. From sleep to wellness. From breastfeeding to baby wearing. It can feel overwhelming but there are baby experts available in your neighbourhood (often with a FREE consultation) to help.
Following Walmart’s fall announcement of its baby registry and resource centre available at, select baby departments across the country will be hosting baby experts to help expecting parents prepare for their little one’s arrival.
At select baby departments, across the country, Walmart store has a doula available to advise new and expecting parents on topics like breastfeeding, baby wearing techniques and more.
On Tuesdays and Saturdays until January 24, doula Lee-Anne Morrow will be available at the Dufferin Mall Walmart (900 Dufferin St.) to answer baby questions.
I wish, back in my parent-of-newborn days, I had asked an expert about baby wearing. With my first baby, I had a carrier but it was uncomfortable for me to wear. With my second baby, (and because I was running after a toddler most of the time) the poor baby was in a bouncy chair more than carried by me. With my third, I finally found a carrier which I loved (but he was over a year by that point!). I wish I had asked an expert, early on, about the benefits of baby wearing, how to find the right carrier for me, and tips to keep that parent/baby connection going through baby wearing.
See – even an experienced Mom has questions!
Expecting a baby is an exciting time. There are so many unknowns (which can be amazing and scary both at the same time). Don’t feel overwhelmed or isolated. Keep in mind help is only a phone call, google search, or store visit away. And of course, be sure to connect with other parents (baby groups, drop-ins, even on social media) because reaching out for support is good for the body and the spirit!
Thanks for the info on Walmart’s baby registry