Some mornings breakfast wraps just make life easier. Grab-n-go, we are late, I’m hungry, weekday morning solution! One of my daughters actually has a wrap practically every morning (her choice). This is the post where I share my easy Breakfast Wrap Ideas…
Breakfast Wrap Ideas
The #1 pick chez moi is our chocolate hazelnut breakfast wrap on a Dempsters Tortilla. As a Mom, I feel good that one Dempsters Tortilla provides 15%, respectively of my kids’ daily intake of Folate and Selenium.
A granola, yogurt, strawberry breakfast wrap is my #2 choice. Crunchy, sweet, and a little creamy.
I just bought almond butter to try out a Almond butter breakfast wrap on my toddler tomorrow (he doesn’t have a nut allergy – and is a tough guy to eat breakfast – hoping this breakfast wrap is up for the challenge!).
A bacon, lettuce, and tomato breakfast wrap would hit the bacon lover spot.
Peanut butter and banana breakfast wrap might appeal to some (I’m not a PB lover so I’ll pass but I recognize the nutritional value).
Scrambled eggs and spinach breakfast wrap. Ham and swiss breakfast wrap. Apple and cinnamon breakfast wrap. I love how you can switch up a tortilla (something I normally only think about when it comes to Quesidilla dinner night!) and turn it into part of a healthy breakfast.
And any of my breakfast wrap ideas can be after-school – or on the way home for *insert sport* game snack.
We all have busy family lives…and deserve to find ways to make life a little easier. A portable breakfast can sometimes make or break your day…but I don’t think you should have to give on nutrition in order to get out the door. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it fuels your mind and body for the day ahead. Don’t be the parent who just has coffee. Don’t have the kid who goes to school without breakfast. Make breakfast. And make breakfast work for your life.
Disclosure: #spon and yes, my daughter eats a breakfast wrap almost every morning. As always, the opinions in this post are my own. Visit Dempster’s on Facebook and follow@Dempsters on twitter.
Love wraps for breakfast! We often do a Western Egg style wrap or Banana/Peanut Butter
I’ve never though of using fruits and yogurt in a wrap before – great idea!
crunchy, creamy…a nice combo!
Wraps are so great for breakfast – versatile, portable and easy to prepare in advance!
totally agree.
I am not sure WHY, but I never really think of wraps for breakfast.. but you have some great ideas there 🙂
my dd makes them herself. It’s a pretty fantastic no-cook breakfast for kids.
I have never even thought of having wraps for breakfast but it really is a good idea and that way everyone gets exactly what they want. The Ham and swiss breakfast wrap sounds yummy to me.
omg this is amazing!! i was actually just looking for something different to do for breakfast! trying these this weekend 🙂
These are some great ideas! My girls are getting a bit tired of their usual cereal/toast breakfasts!
A BLT wrap is one I would enjoy!
My kids always prefer things in wrap form, I have no idea why. I personally prefer a corn tortilla over flour – they are just so hard to find in my neck of the woods and I’m too lazy to make them.
we love wraps. cream cheese and smoked salmon are great for guests.
I love making wraps for breakfast, If they are running late the will eat them on the run. They are so nutritious for them as well!
I am going to try the granola, yogurt, strawberry breakfast wrap. It sounds so good !