Valentine’s Day crafts all around it – I realized we should start with the most simple kid’s craft – and one which I base most of my Valentine’s Day kid activities on…paper hearts. This is a straightforward How To post…DIY Cut A Paper Heart…
DIY Cut A Paper Heart
You will need:
- paper
- scissors
Don’t you love it when an activity only has two ingredients?!
- Fold paper in half.
- Along folded edge cut upwards
- Cut a semi-circle
- Cut straight down to folded edge corner
- Voila – you cut a paper heart!
I know this is super simple – but from this easy activity you can do so so many boredom busters! Like using paper hearts to decorate this DIY Valentine Mail Box For Kids or making homemade valentines using these paper hearts and some Favourite Free Valentine Fonts.
Maybe it’s the winter blahs but I’m feeling very Valentine’s Day inspired this year…so be sure to follow my Parent Club Valentine’s Day Pinterest Board because I’m building a board of lovin’ inspiration over there!
My next kid activity will be using these paper won’t want to miss it!
Kids love to cut, at least the ones I have known, so paper hearts are a great activity.
Funny you comment on that Loriag…I had to give my toddler some kid-safe scissors and scrap paper to cut while I was photographing this DIY. He wanted to cut too!
I am going to make some of these with my little guys this week!
I have a Valentine Holder post coming up which uses these hearts…#justsayin’ #handy
I made some of these with my 4 year old daughter today!
Awesome! I love how useful heart cut outs can be…decorations for cards, walls, valentines…
i want to make some of these with my son
You should…they are so pretty. And super easy!
I used to make these with my kids when they were little! They were very impressed by the whole process and that an actual heart shape was the result
I actually came up with this because it’s the only way I can cut a heart.
Kids LOVE doing this sort of thing. Good bonding experience too with parent!
I remember cutting hearts out this way as a child, the easiest way to make them!
I used to cut hearts out like this in elementary school! This would be good practice for my son to use scissors.