Every year, on the family Christmas wish list, I include “gift of experience” (gift cards for restaurants, activities, getaways, entertainment). Sometimes the best gifts are the gifts which you live – they are always the right size, colour, and category! Here are some awesome ideas on this subject from TravelZoo…
The Benefits Of TravelZoo Gift Of Experience
You can easily buy these great experiences online (no parking hassels or cash line ups!). You can get a high-quality, personalized, printed gift certificate to put under the tree (though you can send it as an e-gift too). You can choose gifts locally or on the other side of the country (great when you have to buy for family who are spread out geographically). They also have a Holiday Gift Guide which makes choosing the perfect present that much easier.
I love getting (and giving) gifts of experience because they are gifts which keep on giving. It’s an opportunity for the gift receiver to enjoy something outside of their regular routine. Take a spa. How often do you go to a spa? Never right? But how often would you LOVE to go to a spa? Pretty much every day here! So a massage gift certificate is not only a gift – its a gift that gets me out of the house – relaxing – taking time for myself to recharge – which recharges the whole family!
Or a subscription to a magazine (despite being an on-line girl – I prefer reading print magazines for leisure). Or a family outing?
I can’t say enough about gifting real life experiences to families and TravelZoo Gift Of Experience is a great starting point for your holiday shopping. It’s easy. It’s practical. It’s indulgent. And it’s the perfect gift.
Disclosure: #spon. And yes, I did put an idea for a family gift of experience on our wish list. As always, the opinions on this post are my own.
It’s a good idea if you know that people will have a chance to use them. These experiences don’t always carry all that’s offered in every city, as I unfortunately know. I have a $200 one but would have to drive 3hrs to use it for what I want. 🙁
I’m sorry to hear of that. It is good to find an experience close to home and your comment is a thoughtful reminder of that.
What a great idea gifting real life experiences. I would love a gift like this. I think I will start putting it on my wish list.
Sometimes real life experiences are better than more “stuff”.
I agree! This is what i am trying to do for this Christmas! I find that if I want something, I will EVENTUALLY get it (it make take forever, and a few gift cards before that happens, but nonetheless, I usually will get it if I really want it)l whereas, it’s harder for me to justify a luxury spa day or what have you for myself. So that’s why I like giving and getting treats because I would never have gotten it for myself.
Know what?! I might just start a tradition of treating myself to an experience in January (a nice little weekend date or getaway to treat myself for surviving the holidays!).
What a good idea! I will have to remember this for next year. I have never heard about TravelZoo so I will have to check it out.