This week I’m featuring past Parent Club Profiles…they are just too good to keep in the archives (some comments are from original post)
We’ve read her books (my daughter was shocked at the title: “Shut Up and Eat: Tales of Chicken, Children & Chardonnay” – thank you for that Kathy) . We’ve read her articles (check out her Funny Mummy column right here on Parent Club). We’ve seen her speak at events and on T.V. However, the time has come to learn more about the woman behind the BlackBerry…Parent Club Profiles: Kathy Buckworth.
Name please…
Kathy Buckworth
Your website…
What’s your shameless plug? (books, blogs, bling, etc.)
My new book, I Am So The Boss Of You: An 8 Step Guide To Giving Your Family “The Business” is out in bookstores now! Pick up a copy!
Parent or not a parent?
Parent of four children.
Share a typical Tuesday (really we want to hear how you “do it all”)
Typical Tuesday? Ok. Usually up at 5:30, write/answer emails until 7:00am. Start waking up kids and managing them through breakfast, school paperwork, them making their lunches, then out the door to school buses, done by 8:30. Head to the gym for a 9:15 Group Power weight class. Shower (really!), then usually head downtown for a lunch meeting. Back home to take calls/do a radio interview/write a presentation/organize my to do list/write. First kid comes through the door at 3:00pm. Work until about 5:00 (with multiple kid interruptions), make dinner, ask “do you have homework?”, and believe their answer (or not), work/read/social media, and in bed by 9:30. Exciting, right?
Do you tweet?
Yes I tweet – @KathyBuckworth
Name 3 people you would like to meet-in-person from Twitter (add why so we can follow them too)…
1) Wendy Holden – British author – love her work
2) Tom Peters – fan since Principles of Excellence
3) Caitlin Moran – British humorist
Kudos to you Kathy! I don’t know how you manage all your responsibilities!
Isn’t she awesome? When I grow up I want to be Kathy Buckworth.
super mom
Truly is that.
cool interview
That “Typical Tuesday” part really blew my mind! Kathy is a MACHINE!
Love these profiles! Kudos to you for all you do, Kathy!