Drumroll please…introducing my Microsoft #SummerSwap Nominee…Deborah Coombs! *insert standing ovation here*…
You will remember I took part in the Microsoft #HolidaySwap program. A quick refresher…I was challenged by Microsoft to swap my everyday phone for their Windows 8 Nokia Lumia for 30 days. I can tell you it wasn’t easy (learning new devices during holiday pictures, blog emails, book writing and my small twitter addiction is the opposite of easy). End result: fantastic experience (and I still use this phone daily – usually hourly – ok minute-to-minute).
Which is why I’m nominating Deborah…
You might know her as the Deborah Coombs – the blogger behind raisingmyboys.net. Or as the Mom holding the large coffee in one hand and her smart phone in the other at extracurricular activities. You might tweet with her using @Mom2Michael. I know Deborah as a smart, engaging, friendly, lady – in all of the above know-her-situations. I knew she would be the perfect choice for the Microsoft #SummerSwap program because she has the courage to swap phones and really challenge the challenge.
As a veteran – my advice to Deb…read my Top 5 Windows Phone Apps, explore the Windows Phone and Windows Tiles and most importantly learn How To Use Kid’s Corner on Windows Phone (kid tested and Mom approved!)
Seriously, this phone is now my go-to for picture taking, book notes, blogging, social media, emails, phone and keeping my son busy at restaurants (yes, I’m THAT family who lets their toddler to be entertained by a phone during the last half of a restaurant meal…don’t judge…it’s whatever gets you to the bill without a meltdown right?).
I second the nomination! I would love to read her feedback on the phone swap.
Can wait to see her on the hashtag 😉
Yay me! Thanks so much Caroline! And thanks for all the kind words 🙂 I am loving the phone so far. Mostly playing with the camera and finding all the apps I need/want so far. I’ll definitely be taking a look at your posts!!
Absolute yay you! The camera is one of my best favs of the Windows Phone. And the Photo Grid app (available for free in the Windows store) is what I use to make all the photo collages you see here on Parent Club.
How fun! I love the idea! Looking forward to reading about your experiences 😀
It’ll be Deborah’s experiences to follow…(I’ll be following too!).
what a great idea, sounds like a super phone too.