A sneak peak of Fisher-Price headquarters…
My visit to Fisher-Price headquarters was full of learning, laughing and a bit of playing…here are my take-aways to share…
- I learnt about their history (yes, there was a Mr. Fisher and Mr. Price!)
- I saw the play lab (where real kids play with prototypes and give feedback in a pre-school like setting).
- I toured visited the photo studio (all the kids on the boxes actually come from the surrounding area of Fisher-Price headquarters)
- You would be amazed at the science and research that goes into the music in the toys!
- I learnt about design of toys from drawings to store shelf (they not only think “outside the box” they also think “what’s going in the box”)
- My biggest take away was the safety seminar (where I can’t share all because of confidentiality) but seriously…Fisher-Price goes above and beyond in product safety. This session alone made me feel more connected, loyal and proud to be partnered with a brand who, like me, cares about the safety of my child beyond all else.
I was honoured to share this experience with my fellow #FisherPriceMoms: Tammi (myorganizedchaos.net), Lena (listentolena.com), Lisa (growingyourbaby.com). Missing but often thought of were Jen (abusymommy.com), Danielle (http://danigirl.ca/blog) and Ilissa (everythingupclose.com)
So awesome That I was able to go there with you.
I hope to go back one day – such a phenomenal place to visit – and play!