Meet Alison DeLory, Canadian writer of the bestselling kidslit book of “Lunar Lifter” (Bryler Publishing). Writer, Canadian…oh and she tweets too @aldelory (what’s not to like right?!).
Lunar Lifter is a chapter book for middle readers. Follow “Bluenosers” (Nova Scotaians are called bluenosers) Cameron and Erin (yes, brother/sister) on their adventure of riding to space in a decorated cardboard box. Along the journey, they overcome challenges, meet new friends and figure out their way to get home.
Creativity and childhood has never been better captured! Lunar Lifter takes the regular kid activity of doodling on cardboard and blasts it into an adventure of nine-year old imagination.
What I loved best: told from the point of view of Cameron – he takes charge in the story making him a responsible, believable, creative-kid hero. (no sucky characters here).
What kids will love best: it’s relatable (every kid has doodled on cardboard right?)
Middle readers can easily digest the yummy chapters. Younger readers will love this being read to them. Then, as parents you can take it a step further by providing a cardboard box for your own kids to decorate! What will they make? A clubhouse? A restaurant? Their very own Lunar Lifter?
You can purchase the book at Indigo or Bryler Publications (or go to your local independent book shop and ask them to order it – support Canadian writers and support small Canadian biz at the same time!).
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