The Avengers is the hot new film and right along with it comes the Superhero-esque birthday party. I recently hosted a THE AVENGERS birthday party at Cineplex and it was a smash (like Hulk style smash!).
First off, Cineplex Popcorn Parties make hosting a birthday party easy! Room rental, set up, cutlery (paper glasses, plates and napkins), food (if you go premium package), party host, popcorn, drink, Kinder egg and movie + clean up. All you have to do is bring kids and cake!
The down side is that you can’t book your actual party time until the Tuesday before the party (as times change weekly). Problem solved by sending out a SAVE THE DATE invitation a week ahead and then a follow-up invitation with exact time the next week.
My daughter pointed out the irony of THE AVENGERS saving the world and her party guests saving the date. 🙂
So food – check
Venue – check
Entertainment – check
Loot bags? I am all about sending practical loot bags home – so guests received comic books (call it “literacy development”).
Wondering about the age appropriateness of THE AVENGERS? It’s in the same sort of category as TRANSFORMERS or IRON MAN. Action packed but no gory blood.
DISCLOSURE: Neither the party nor this post was subsidized by Cineplex nor Iron Man or any other superhero.
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