The great debate: Breast Vs Bottle feeding. A heated topic. In my personal opinion, our role as parents is to feed our children and how one goes about doing that should be their own choice…without judgement.
I’ll be transparent here. I breastfed. And I bottle fed.
The best breastfeeding advice I received: Keep at it (from a fellow Mom).
The best formula feeding advice I received: all formulas must comply with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s formula standards (from a pharmacist).
Be informed of your choices. Visit breast feeding clinics, read articles (I like Dr. Jack Newman ), learn about finger-feeding, research formula companies, and talk with medical professionals, doulas, midwives, family and friends.
Sometimes the feeding choice is out of our hands – not enough milk, baby self-weans, medical issues not allowing for breastfeeding (chemo and such) not to mention adoption or failure to thrive.
Perhaps it’s time to take breast Vs formula off the hot topic ticket. Can we agree with feeding baby is best (however which way you, personally, chose to do so).
If we need to judge…let’s judge how advertisers pitch to parents…
because should a baby this young be holding an Oreo?
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