Just back from the She’s Connected Conference and shortly off to Blissdom Canada I have a few suggestions of what to take to a blogging conference. 5 to be exact.
- Your device. Whether it be a phone, tablet, notepad (the electronic kind) or tablet – you’re device is your connection to the conference…and the conference peeps…and the greater world who want to know what your doing at the conference. (aside: save your data plan – most blogging conferences have free wifi) You’ll want an integrated camera, notepad application and social media apps like twitter, facebook and google +. You might event want to blog.
- Your business cards to give out to brands, bloggers and friends. Make sure your biz card includes your name, your niche, your web addy and your @ name (home address not needed). You can get family friendly priced cards at Vista Print, Moo and my personal fav. Grace Announcements (the latter did mine – read the Parent Club profile of this Canadian mompreneur!)
- Your charger. That low battery warning is an “oh no!” moment at a blogging conference. Chargers take up little space but can save your sanity big time.
- Snacks. Yes, there may be snacks and meals…and blogging conferences try really hard to accommodate various dietary issues…but snacks are a good thing. (and if you take chocolate you will be everyone’s BFF at the sugar craving hour).
- Your “team”. One would think a room full of people doing all the same thing would make for competitors but really bloggers create a community of colleagues. Whether you are a newbie or a veteran to blogging remember that everyone in that room is a part of your team – and as such bring to the field respect, engagement and support.
Blogging and social media conferences are great events to network, learn, question and get inspired. These 5 things are my go-to tool box. And every girl deserves some good tools in her life 😉
Such great tips! I was so thankful to have some crackers in my purse. I’m a bit of a snacker and could eat all day long:)
Where was this blog post last week at this time? I really wish I’d taken your advice and packed a little cache of chocolate! On day two when the Purdy’s lady was gone I suffered abject craving!
Great tips, Caroline! I always manage to forget my chargers. Also, another tip you might like to add for those who drive… take a picture of where you parked your car. Wish I had done that…
Modern Mom – The tweets about the sugar cravings and wheat fatigue (didn’t know wheat tires you out) after lunch were a many.
Dana – I was happy to have my little drink supplement in my bag to “boost” myself.
Diana – taking a pic of your car is a great idea.
And might I add – keeping your blackberry holstered -two people lost their devices!
Great tips. I went to #SCCTO last week and you are spot on with all of your suggestions!
must be a fun conference, chargers are so important