The recent Amber Alert of a missing 3 year old BC boy (who was safely returned home on 9/11) caused many families across the country to hold their children a little tighter.
What makes an Amber Alert? According to the CBC,
“…recommended in Canada by the RCMP’s National Missing Children Services:
- The child must be under 18 years of age.
- There must be confirmation that the child has been abducted.
- Police must have sufficient information to make a search for the child possible, such as descriptions of the child, abductor, accomplices or the suspect’s vehicle.
- Police must believe the child is in serious [imminent] danger and be convinced a broadcast will help find the child.”
I think it’s important for families’ to have their own Amber Alerts (because if your child was the one missing you would want every-bloody-body to shout it from the hilltops). I felt, it was the very least I could do, was to shout from my own little hilltop for the missing boy.
So I went to my Facebook page.
And I tweeted and gently nudged my followers to RT (Re-Tweet). And the shouting from my little hilltop resulted in my trending…
Which shows the power of one voice. Everyone has a voice. And when a child goes missing…voices should be shouting from every hilltop.
Because, imagine if it were your child.
Good Job Mama.
I live in a small town for the same reasons as this family. Security. It made me think a lot about other safety measures I should be taking here, just in case.
Merci Mama.
And it made me have a big talk with the kids about safety.
A wake up call I would have preferred to sleep through.