Can I tell you a secret? Shhh…just between us…Parent Club is being re-designed right now as we speak….and it scares the bejesus out of me.
Never one who wholly embraces change (let’s face it…I run away from change…Olympic style running) this is a big deal in my little world.
On the one hand, I realize that everything – even Parent Club – must change and grow (there is a French saying “if you don’t change – you die” morbid but true I suppose).
Change is scary. The day I put my then 3 year old on a school bus for her 1st week at Maternelle (kindergarten in the French school system)…well I cried…and lost sleep…and feared the change.
The day I went into give birth to Thing #3 I was worried about the change in our family in jumping from 2 kids to 3 (10 years apart!).
And with both examples above – the change was beyond fantastic. And I’m (pretty) sure that changing Parent Club to a bigger platform will be fantastic too.
But still the bejesus in me is shaken…some things never change. 😉
[…] Club is all different yet so the same.  The Trouble With Change is that is changes […]