I have been trying (so unsuccessfully) to get things done around the house. My almost 7 month old wants, whines, and wills me to entertain him. And I get frustrated, resentful, derailed. I’m not sorry that I have this wonderful baby to entertain. I just get frustrated in that my house looks like a tsunami hit. Everyday.
Enter in the Fisher-Price Brilliant Basics Blocks and I have found the magic key to unlocking a bit of time to get things done concurrently with entertaining the babe.
These blocks are just the right size for his little hands to hold, bop (on his highchair) and drop on the floor (he looks for where they’ve gone). I place the bucket on its side on his highchair tray and he’s happy to play with the handle, pull out the different shaped blocks and hit them on the table making tap tap tap sounds. And I can wash the dishes!
What’s best about these blocks is that they are really easy to grasp. My son – not co-ordinated at this age – can pick-up, turn and play with the 10 blocks very easily.
The simplest toys are always the best right?
Now he’s not at the shape sorting age yet nor can he stack them up…but this is a toy that will grow with him to when he hits those milestones. (Aside: I’ve seen my 10 year old sorting the blocks through the shape-sorting lid – siblings can play with this toy too!)
It’s great to have a go-to toy to play with when Mom just needs to get the dishes (or whatever) done. This is our go-to toy right now. And it’s brilliant.
Disclosure: I am part of the Fisher-Price #playpanel program and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.
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