This is an inexpensive travel tip to shade your baby when you go out & about in the sunny world.
Get some rip-stop (available at fabric stores) and a hair clip.
(yes, I sewed the borders so it wouldn’t frey – extra June Cleaver points for me – you don’t have to do this).
Drape the rip-stop over your stroller canopy and secure it with hair clip.
Voila – light weight, cheap, practical sun protection!
Also doubles as a picnic blanket!
I'm letting the public health nurse in me out for a tiny bit. Great Idea for the covering but be mindful of 2 things. #1 make sure there is still ample air flow as some coverings can inhibit this. #2 some fabrics can actually hold in the heat so check to make sure your little one is not experiencing some sauna like conditions. I learned that the hard way when I put my babe in a pack 'n' play that had a UV covering. Despite the mesh sides it got quite warm and my l'il man was sweating quite a bit. 🙂 Joanne