That little, musical, stack-able, 10 year old Fisher-Price toy pictured over there has taught my 3 babies actions and consequences, melodies, hand-eye coordination and how to smile.
All parents like it when toys help baby reach milestones like soothe, sense, move, discover, socialize, learn, create and imagine. This toy did it for me. Three times over. It’s music soothed the savage beast (teething infant), it wobbled and swayed, it was built up and pushed down.
Dr. Deborah Weber, Senior Manager for the Fisher-Price Child Research Department (and also an expert in early childhood development) has a tip that fits the description that little toy of ours…
As a busy Mom, I’m not really thinking about milestone moments. I’m thinking of activities to keep little Thing 3 occupied so that I can do the switch laundry loads, call the doctor and perhaps tweet just a little.
I’m glad that Fisher-Price is thinking of the milestone moments. Because underneath the layer of fun…my baby is learning…and so am I.
Disclosure: I’m part of the Fisher-Price Play Panel and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.
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