Back in the Parent Club archives you’ll find a post on Easter Egg Decorating for kids – jr & senior edition.
Click on the post for complete instructions but the gist of it is…
Egg Decorationg for little kids
Use hard boiled eggs, sponges and tempra paint.
Egg Decorating for bigger kids
Use foods (such as carrots, blueberries, tea) as natural dyes
And for a tried & true method…
Easter Egg Decorating with Food Colouring
You need:
Mix about 20 or so drops of food colouring with 1 tbsp of vinegar and 1/2 cup of tepid* water.
Repeat this step with different colours to create a rainbow (tip: use clean, used, coffee cans to hold the mixtures – then you can trash them).
Using a spoon (or my friend once made an egg holder with copper wire) lower the hard boiled egg into the colour mixture. The longer you leave the egg in the more vibrant the colour.
Pat the coloured egg dry with a paper towel.
Remember: food colouring stains so break out the art bibs.
*tepid means not hot, not cold, but just right.
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