The other day school called*.
School: Hello Madame, Thing 2 seems to have forgotten snow pants today.
Me: Hi Madame, Thing 2 chose not to take snow pants today.
School: Well, she has no snow pants for recess…
Me: Then I guess she will be cold today.
School: Yes.
Me: Ok then, have a nice day.
Lesson in Actions Vs. Consequences here my friends. Forget to take your snow pants and you’re going to be cold. Now, I could have dropped everything and rushed snow pants. I was close to doing it (but close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades right?**). I would rush for a fever. For a hurting tummy. Even a headache. But for snow pants. No. That is my rushing stopping point. Because kids do need to learn about responsibility (I reminded Thing 2 to take snow pants in the morning. The fact that snow pants were not taken. That was a choice. Or a forgot. Either way it was Thing 2’s action (or non-action). Actions Vs Consequences is a life skill.
Snow pants are the learning vehicle.
*that call was in French. and I was nursing at the time. so text may not be exactly verbatim. **that’s a famous expression. really. google it. no hand grenades were used in writing this post.
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