Last night, as I was making dinner – my prince decided to start playing guitar. At the kitchen table. Then gave guitar to Thing 1 to practice. At the kitchen table.
(the kitchen table is our eating place, homework nook, craft area, reading corner and all around bowling alley).
My prince then started to dust-bust the various and sundry specs of dust/hair/snack crumbles on the floor. I plated dinner. Then put dinner on the table.
(1) “dinner’s on the table” said I gently (and stating the obvious)
Still guitar and vacuuming.
(2) “Dinner is on the table”
Still guitar and vacuuming.
(3) “DINNER is on the table”
Still guitar and vacuuming.
Still guitar and vacuuming.
(and I would like to note to my mother, children’s services and the spirit of Michael Jackson that I resisted the great urge to swear)
Perhaps the obvious of me making dinner, setting the table, plating dinner and serving it was not so obvious…perhaps one of my superpowers is invisibility and I just hadn’t realized it before. I am SO using my invisibility the next time I hear “there’s no more underwear in my drawer!!!”
People – if I have to invite you to the table 5 times again…dinner will be self-serve…out of the garbage can.
Maybe you could try working out your aggressive frustration at the gym!!!
I blog out my frustration thank-you-very-much 😉