Can the kids do a “job” around the house? Are they ready? Is it too much?
They have the ability to put their things away (they do it at school all the time!). They have the ability to recognize priorities (“can you make me a snack BEFORE you check your email?”) They have the ability to forecast activities (“while you check your email can I watch tv?”). Yet, they can’t clean their rooms, put away clothes or empty their backpacks without motivational coaching and on-site-supervision from a parent. (maybe yours do – mine don’t)
Alyson Schafer tweeted this morning:
- Parent Tip: Very responsible parents raise irresponsible children. Let go and show some trust & faith today!
Words to parent by!
So – today I’m letting go of my responsible – so Thing 1 and Thing 2can grow some responsible themselves. Laundry is done, folded and placed in their rooms (even a 3 year old can open a sock drawer). It will be their job to put said clean clothing away as best they can…
Question to the Parent Club – what are your children’s responsibilities?
So glad the tweet inspired you! When my kids were younger and I would go away on business, my husband would say " I don't know what I'm doing here girls, you'll have to show me everything mom does". He acted like Magoo and sure enough these little girls were capable of doing all the jobs I usually did.They were so capable -if I'd just step aside and let them have a chance!!!! Hopefully you've inspired a few more mom's to "let it go" ! Alyson
Well said. I am definitely guilty of doing too much for my children in terms of keeping their rooms in order. I realize it's due to my own freakish need for order and aesthetics. Hanging my son's t-shirts by colour probably isn't helping him learn to be a responsible person in the long run though is it? But it just looks so damn pretty! I need help.
Just to be clear, I DID know what to do around this house when Alyson was gone – I just PLAYED Mr. Magoo. 🙂
My boys are supposed to get their lunch bags out of their back packs and put them in the kitchen after dinner earch night, they are supposed to get any notes from school out of their bags and give them to me a the same time (but I always do a double check after they have gone to bed). They are responsible for tidying up the play areas (basement excluded) each Sunday night and every other Tuesday night before the cleaning ladies come. They do need reminders and a bit of cheerleading for the tidying but it does get done.I also want to start getting them to put their clothes away after they are washed and folded…sometimes they help me with putting the laundry in the washer and dryer but it is not their responsibility – yet…maybe it will be starting this weekend…we only wash in cold anyway so there is no need to seperate colours…they each have their own hamper which basically produces one load of laundry each week…so really all that would be involved is carrying it to the laudry, setting the machine and turning it on, measuring the soap and putting in the clothes…I am pretty sure they could do that…hmmm my weekend just started looking a bit brighter. Thanks for the inspiration!!!
Update: OMG the kids put the laundry away. No fuss. No coaching. Just did it.I've been underestimating…