Good Ghandi – could someone please congratulate me on the Halloween Decorations for Parent Club?…or my house?…anyone?…
Halloween is a parental slippery-slope. Kids love Halloween but some of those Halloween decorations are down right creepy. Walking through the ‘hood – I am taking mental notes on where NOT to trick or treat this year. Like the house with the corpse hanging from the scaffolding. See, that house, nope we’re not going to that house…
When Thing 2 was a toddler – on Halloween night – a grown-up man (dressed as a corpse) jumped out of a chair when we trick or treated at his house. This was the one – and only – time in my life where I yelled at a complete stranger “What are you DOING? You don’t scare TODDLERS?!”
The whole “creepy factor” of Halloween is beyond me. My prince calls me overprotective – but I’m not cool with my kids getting scared (to the point they won’t go to sleep, won’t go into the bathroom alone, ask if zombies really exist…)
This week’s Parent Club theme is keeping the creepy out of Halloween…call me overprotective…
nice job on the decorating 🙂