Remember I told you that someone in our ‘hood gives out cans of pop for Halloween?…it makes for a very heavy loot bag (and a lot of unnecessary whining – A-LOT).
So here’s a Parent Club tip: Parents carry a canvas bag, kids carry buckets. I prefer the kids to carry buckets because a.) I found some glow in the dark ones a few Halloween’s ago at a dollar store that we re-use. b.) You don’t need to open and close a bucket (as you do a bag). c.) The kids can see their treats.
When the buckets get close to full – they dump their loot into the canvas bag that I carry (packhorse I tell you) and we continue. When I decide the bag is heavy enough (about 5 streets) we head home.
Yes, it’s (yet another) case of me being a snowplow parent; clearing the way for my kids and making life easier for them. Yes, they could, should, would carry their own loot. But the night is about getting a treat right?…
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