What the heck did parents ever do before the portable dvd player?
I do remember playing “punchbuggy red” when someone saw a bug vehicle on the road and he/she could yell at the top of his/her lungs “punchbuggy red” and then that someone could hit -as hard as one could – the sibling sitting next closest (good times – oh, wait — I was always the one getting hit). Here are some good – modern day, violence free – ways to occupy kids on a long road trip.
- snacks – a great time buster. Choose semi-healthy, semi-treat things to make it interesting. I like to take empty containers or small ziplock bags so that I can re-fill for the kids (also makes a lot less backseat mess). Teddy Grahams (chocolate of course), cheerios, nesquick cereal (chocolate again), granola bars, fruit-to-go. Also, a big family sized bottle of water.
- portable dvd player. So worth the investment!
- mp3 players for school aged kids. Sounds like an overkill. But who can listen to flippin’ High School Musical one more time! Robert Munsch also has audio stories – free – for download on his site.
- notepads and pencils. good for scribbles, notes passed to the front seat.
- one surprise item from the dollar store. (more than one if you are driving for longer than 6 hours). Something nice enough to enjoy but not so nice that you will be worried leaving it at a potty stop.
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