After being on a field trip with six kindergarten classes recently – I had a good look at what “lunch” looks like. One kid had a jam sandwich. Another ate cut-up, cold, hot dog (no bun) with ketchup.
Parents, we are all busy — but remember that lunch is the fuel for our kids gas tanks. It’s getting colder, coming into flu/cold season and we need to be smart about what kind of fuel we are supplying. I’m not a superMom – Far – Far – from it. But I do try to pack a lunch with good intentions.
This was today’s menu;
Snack 1: orange slices + Bottle of water
Lunch: bread and butter sandwich (Thing 1), mini bagel with butter (Thing 2), salami on the side (heaven forbid meat touches bread!). Orange juice. Dry cereal (Cinnamon Toast Crunch – new for us – we’ll see when they get home if it gets a thumbs up or down).
Snack 3: Granola bars (Quaker Chewy Chocolate Chip for Thing 2, Nature Valley Apple Crisp for Thing 1).
Here’s a smart lunch tip…offer one of each; something crunchy (dry cereal, crackers), something chewy (raisins, orange slices), something soft (apple sauce, juice) and something in between (sandwich, bagel). Texture, colour and choice is a smart lunch factor.
Teachers have to deal with kids all day – don’t give them more work by sending junky lunches.
I think we sometimes forget how much emphasis our kids put on texture – good reminder!