Ah, the first steps. The first word. The first bee sting?! OK, not a very nice first — but yesterday we experienced the first bee sting of life.
Well, we now know – with certainty – Thing 2 does not have an Anaphylactic shock reaction to bee stings. Panic attack reaction – yes. HUGE panic attack. HUGE.
Thank goodness for TeleHealth Ontario – those nurses are fantabulous (1-866-797-0000). They asked if Thing 2 had a tickle in Thing’s throat or chest. If there was difficulty swallowing. If the swelling extended past the wrist (bitten on the “not polite” middle finger).
The remedy was ice, a water + baking soda solution on a cloth, some acetaminophen to ease the pain and a lot of television.
Sometimes the allergic reaction doesn’t show up until the 2nd or third sting. You can’t have an allergic reaction unless you have already been exposed to that allergen.