Do you remember the poem from Where the Sidewalk Ends: Poems & Drawings by Shel Silverstein ?
The one that ends with “…And I’ve taken twelve thousand and forty-one breaths,
And I’m TIRED!”
The whole point of the poem is that the character is doing nothing activity and it is such hard work. (yes, nothing activity). If you don’t get it (or just don’t remember it) click on that last link.
Anyway, this is how I’ve felt all week. Of course, I’m not doing NOTHING actually I’m doing a lot — it just feels like nothing (being accomplished that is).
I started three articles (for payment) but had to stop because I had to make dinner. I did the laundry – but couldn’t put it away because the kids needed to go OUTSIDE. I tidied up the floor but didn’t get to the surfaces as we had to go to Karate class.
Plus, I cooked – did I mention I cooked?! (ok not last night because we went out for dinner — but I did make breakfast, snack 1, lunch, snack 2 — so I think I can say quite honestly say I have COOKED). Digression. Sorry.
So, I’m tired. I’ve done everything and nothing and I’m tired. It’s a challenge when everyday is Saturday to a stay-at-home Mom.
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