Get set for summer reading with National Geographic Kids Books. Read on to get a synopsis of a great selection of National Geographic Kids Books plus enter for a chance to WIN a set for yourself (or your fav kids).

National Geographic Kids Books Giveaway
Here is a brief synopsis of the three books pictured above. As you can read, these books are middle grade level.
National Geographic Kids Almanac 2024 (ages 8-12, Paperback, $15.99)
This new edition features:
- EXCLUSIVE National Geographic Explorer interviews and features
- Interactive Almanac Challenge 2024, plus the results of the Almanac Challenge 2023
- BONUS SECTION of sidesplitting jokes and riddles
Explorer Academy Book 1: The Nebula Secret and Explorer Academy Book 2: The Falcon’s Feather (ages 8-12, Hardcover/Paperback, $16.99/$9.99
In this fan-favorite fiction series, Cruz leaves his tranquil home in Hawaii to join 23 talented kids from around the globe to train at the Explorer Academy with the world’s leading scientists to become the next generation of great explorers. In the midst of codebreaking and cool classes, new friends and augmented-reality expeditions, Cruz must tackle the biggest question of all: Who is out to get him … and why? Readers can get in on the excitement with puzzles and codes embedded throughout.
For chapter samplers, games, videos, and more info, check out
Enter for a chance to win National Geographic Kids books
Open to residents in Canada (void in Quebec) and U.S.A. (48 continental states). Look for these books where in major retailers across the country.
The Explorer Academy Book 1: The Nebula Secret looks most appealing for my big kid 🙂
I like the look of Sharks vs Sloths as my little granddaughter loves sloths.
My grandson would enjoy The Explorer Academy Book 1: The Nebula Secret, he really enjoys books with puzzles to solve.
The National Geographic Kids Almanac 2024 sounds like it would be very interesting and something my granddaughter would enjoy reading
Love the Weird but True books the kids love how interesting they are.
National Geographic Kids Almanac 2024 looks like one my grandkids would definitely enjoy
Almanac 2024 sounds interesting!
My kiddo would love the NG Almanac!
My grandchildren would really enjoy the The National Geographic Kids Almanac 2024. It looks really interesting with lots of fun facts.
My oldest nephew enjoys science and would like the Almanac!
All the books look interesting.
My grandkids would love these books
The book that I’d choose is the NGK Almanac 2024. It looks very interesting.
Would love the National Geographic Kids Almanac 2024 for the grandkids.
I love the Weird But True book.
We like the Weird But True books, because we love reading about interesting facts.
The National Geographic Kids Almanac 2024 looks like it would be the first one to be looked at around my house. The other two look great too though.
We would love sharks versus sloths because we love sharks
Weird but True kids book are fun to read.
I really like the Kids First Big Book of the World.
The Kids Almanac
We enjoy the Weird but True books. They are fun and interesting to read, and we learn something new.
So many amazing choices to enjoy. My grandchildren love the sticker books,
The National Geographic Kids Little Kids First Board Book: Animals On the Go looks like fun.
The Honey Bees books definitely sounds interesting.
Usefull And Helpfull Thankyou