New year new organization habits right? Here are a few organization tips for authors and illustrators (or any freelancing individual) to help get their “office” in order.
Organization tips for authors and illustrators
- Clean out your desk. Seriously. Old business cards, gose paper (good on one side), outdated notes-to-self, pens which have run dry…they all need to go.
- Check outstanding invoices. Do you have money owing from last year’s work? Resend those invoices. Track down the payment. Get that money into your account!
- Set up a new calendar. Whether it be google calendar, iphone calendar or regular ol’ paper agenda (got mine at dollarama – and it’s AWESOME for $4).
- Sort old emails. You know the December emails you will “look at later” well, honey…it’s later.
- Delete/recycle files. It’s a pain. You never want to do it. It’s a great thing to procrastinate. But it’s time. Go through your files (downloads, documents, pictures, music, videos) and delete the old and outdated. I, personally, have +5 versions of a single manuscript because I’d “save as” (which is a fab thing to do when you are working on a work-in-progress). But at some point, you only need the latest version. Also, time to go old school and dump/recycle the outdated paper files (I had a THICK folder of old cheques and invoices which did not need a trip into 2023).

Other ways to clean out your office and prepare for the new year…update versions of your software, buy new sticky notes, get a new favourite pen.
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