Here are some author ideas on How To Promote Your Book. Whether you are an indie author or traditionally published – you can help sell your book by promoting your book. From blog tours to bookmarks here are some low-cost ideas on how to promote your book…
From an expert
I am, somewhat of an expert when it comes to promoting books. Though traditionally published, I have long thought that participating in book promotion is my author duty. And it’s totally self-serving…I want to sell books.
Case Study: Twitter Book Launch
I did a virtual book launch to celebrate my first book (Boredom Busters) on Twitter. During the one hour Twitter party we trended in Canada and had over a million reach. For a kid’s book! How did I do that?
- I asked friends on social media to pencil in the date/time of the Twitter party and enthusiastically engage with the hashtag.
- Creating graphics promoting the book cover, hashtag, my social url, date/time of the Twitter party and I scheduled posts with those graphics one month, and every week up to the Twitter party to promote the event.
- Planned engagement. I had a list of engaging questions to ask followers (because it’s the worst to attend a party and have no conversation).
- There were giveaways*
*I gave away a copy of the book at the end of the Twitter party. It not only increased brand awareness but got people talking about who would they buy/gift the book for…to get them thinking about purchases!
Case Study: Author Q & A
Similar to my Twitter launch party – I have done author Q & As to promote THE ADVENTURES OF GRANDMASAURUS and other books. I have done in-person book store author Q & As, blog interviews, radio interviews, T.V. interviews, speaking panels and Facebook Lives.
The beauty of author Q & A is that you already know the material! It’s a great way to discuss your book and let outside audiences know of your book.
How to promote your book author ideas
- Share on social media. Tweet, Pin, Post your book blurb, cover, reviews, and more.
- Community. Ask your community (or tribe if you will) to use their influence and share your book news on their platforms and with their people.
- Blog tour. Set up a blog tour in your town, state/province/country. It’s easy to find book bloggers through google search. Then, track down their websites and emails.
- Reviews. Ask those who have purchased your book to write positive recommendations on Amazon, GoodReads, etc…
- Bookplates. Mail out bookplates or bookmarks to people who have bought your book. An autograph can be a great keepsake and create connection with your readers.
- Giveaway. Offer a giveaway of your book on your website. It creates buzz.
- Author Q & A. Offer interview opportunities to bloggers, radio, TV, book clubs, PTA or any other “audience” who would be interested in your book genre.

You might also be interested in reading my post on How To Write A Book Proposal this list of List of Canadian Children’s Book Publishers to help other authors find out who to pitch and query.
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