How to use Tweetdeck for Twitter Chats and Twitter Parties. Tweetdeck is great for Twitter chats and Twitter parties because it updates in real time. And you can set up columns in seconds to follow a specific hashtag, host, or team. This will make your next Twitter chat or Twitter party easier…
How to use Tweetdeck for Twitter Chats and Twitter Parties
Start off by going to Log in with your Twitter account.
Tweetdeck is free. It also updates in real time (turn on and off real time in the general settings). Also, you can customize the columns for any party or chat; making following said party or chat so much easier. First, acquaint yourself with the Tweetdeck layout.
On the left are your search, @mentions, DM and + new column icons. Beside that is your tweet area. To the right are the columns you set up.
When you click the + icon you get a pop-up of column type to add choices. I always have my @mentions (so I know who’s tweeting me and I can respond easily). You can create a list (set to public or private). Lists are good when you want to follow a host or hosts and moderators. The search icon (magnifying glass) is where you click to add a specific hashtag column.
Clicking the search button creates a popup where you write the hashtag in the search box. Write in your hashtag name and a column will appear. On your new column click the circle line/line circle image and you can customize your column (sounds, locations, font size and more). You can move columns left or right using the left and right arrows at the bottom (bottom left) of the customize area (see below).
Tweetdeck is my go-to for Twitter chats and parties (free and easy – what is better than that?!)
oops this might be double comment because I got error mess when posting one just now. Essentially I am excited about your tip to create a ‘list with the moderators & brands so I can keep up with the fast feed of many parties. Thanks for this tip. Truly
I have never used TWEETDECK but I think I will for the next twitter party I join. Thanks for the info.